Creating CSR and Key File for a SAN SSL Certificate using OpenSSL

Written on September 15, 2023

Creating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and Key File for a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) certificate with OpenSSL involves a few steps. SAN certificates allow you to secure multiple domains or subdomains with a single certificate. Here’s how you can generate a CSR and Key File with OpenSSL for a SAN certificate:

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Creating Fusion of a Complementary Feature Set with MFCC using Librosa

Written on July 15, 2020

In various audio based recognition system, Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) is commonly used for a feature extraction purpose. However, often MFCC features are combined with other features as well. The purpose of this blog post is twofold: (i) The first is to highlight the use of Librosa library for MFCC feature extraction; (ii) The second is just a note to a small problem that I faced in creating features fusion with existing MFCC features.

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Audio Framing with Librosa (Python)

Written on July 13, 2020

This post provides a basic introduction to start with using Librosa audio data processing. Librosa supports lots of audio codecs. Although .wav(lossless) is widely used when audio data analysis is concerned. Once you have successfully installed and imported libROSA in your jupyter notebook.

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Openshift Cheetsheet

Written on January 9, 2019

At the moment I am working on Redhat OpenShift, here I am writing stuff that is exciting and I keep forgetting. The list has (almost) no order and is very random. By the way: there is also an official cheat sheet

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Tutorial on Creating RESTful API using Swagger

Written on June 10, 2016

I found one of the best tutorial on using Swagger to write RESTful API using Node.js. It covers end to end CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) cycle. This tutorial is written by Samuela Zara on and provides step by step instructions to create Restful API to manage movies collection.

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