
I'm a professional in the field of software engineering, computer networking as well as wireless sensor network (WSN). Currently I'm specialize in the development of Internet of Things (IOT) platform/middleware and application. I have over 10 years experience in Research and Software Development.

As a Lead IOT Engineer at my current company -- REDtone IOT Malaysia, I have been architecting and developing a platform for Smart City Application. In general, my responsibility spans Architecting IOT solution, IOT middleware development and IOT deployment.

Prior to my current role, I was a researcher in software and wireless communication Lab in National Research Institute in Malaysia (MIMOS). The specific research works that I have done in previous company were mainly on Internet of Things, IP/IPv6 based Wireless Sensor Communication (e.g. 6LoWPAN and Zigbee) and Mobile Ad-hoc Network and Routing Protocol. As a Researcher, I have published several scientific publications as well as some Intelectual Properties (IP).

Technical-Skills: Software Engineering, Internet of Things (IOT), Machine to Machine (M2M) Communication, IOT/M2M Protocols, Network Simulation and Protocol coding, Wireless Sensor Network and Routing Protocol, Software as a Service (Saas), Big Data Database (Mongo/Cassandra), Unix/Linux shell scripting, Server-based Scripting (NodeJS, PHP, Python), Front-end Scripting (HTML5, Javascript, AngularJS, JQuery), Version Control System (Git, GitHub, Bitbucket), Docker containerazation.

Soft-Skills: Patent Writing, Academic Writing, Theory of Problem Solving using TRIZ Methodology

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APICTA 2016 Merit Award for CitiAct Citizen Engagement Solution - [Team Achievement Award]

Winning Merit Award under category the Best of e- Government & public sector.

[Team Achievement Award] Malaysia Innovative Smart City Solution Provider of the Year (Frost & Sullivan Award's 2016) - [Team Achievement Award]

Through our smart-city application called CitiAct, REDtone IOT has been named as Malaysia Innovative Smart City Solution Provider of the Year by Frost & Sullivan. The CityAct is built by a team of 7 Engineer. It is citizen-centric smart city solution. We gave the power to “sense” to the citizens themselves. When we have both the elements of IOT technology coupled with human sensitivity, it gave a totally different dimension – Nothing beats the data generated that has a human emotion inside.

Best Paper Award (SensorComm 2012 Conference)

Best Paper award for "IPv6 Wireless Sensor Network Gateway Design and End-to-End Performance Analysis" with the team. Presented at SensorComm 2012, The sixth International conference on sensor technologies and applications, Italy

Silver Medal (ITEX'2010)

Silver Medal Award on Invention of “6LoWPAN Gateway” at 21st International Invention, Innovation, Industrial Design and Technology Exhibition (ITEX2010), Kuala -Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC), Kuala Lumpur

MIMOS Platinum Badge

MIMOS Platinum Badge for filing 10 Patents (2010)

MIMOS Gold Badge

MIMOS Gold Badge for filing 5 Patents (2010)

Bronze Medal (IIUM Research Exhibition 2007)

MIMOS Platinum Badge for filing 10 Patents (2010)

Working Experience


Lead IOT Engineer • Jan, 2015 — Present

REDtone IOT Sdn Bhd. was incorporated in Malaysia to focus on providing Internet of Things services and solutions. I am responsible for architecting, designing and developing horizontal platform for IOT, as well as vertical IOT solutions. For the vertical IOT solution, we have successfully developed a Citizen Engagement application (CitiAct) that runs on top of our Smart-City Platform (Citisense). My responsibilities includes:

  • Architecting and designing the IOT Middleware as a generic platform for IOT verticals, especially for Citizen Engagement Application
  • Building underlying Big-Data system for REDtone IOT platform using mostly open-source tools such as Apache Cassandra, Apache Solr and MongoDB
  • Developing Microservices that are required by REDtone Smartcity solution
  • Designing a Citizen Engagement solution as one of IOT vertical that enable the involvement of citizens in assessing the city and identifying issues within the city. This platform is part of REDtone Smart-city solution and build on top of the IOT platform
  • Designing and Developing RESTful APIs for all required components in the development of REDtone Smartcity solution
  • Building Docker and Vagrant to offer containers with the desired environment and tools for continuous development and deployment
  • Developing and Containerizing Authentication and Authorization micro-service to be used as Authentication and Authorization module for all applications under REDtone IOT-Smart-City Solution
  • Designing and developing several front-end applications for CitiAct Smart-City solution using Angular-JS

Tools Used: NodeJS, AngularJS, Cassandra, Apache Solr, MongoDB, Hadoop, RabbitMQ, LogStash, Git, BitBucket, Docker, GruntJS and GulpJS, Swagger, Nginx.

Key Knowledge: IOT Architecture, IOT Platform development, Microservice Architecture, RESTful Architecture, Big-Data, API Design, Version Control System, Docker Containerization, Smart-city concept, Citizen Engagement Application


Senior Researcher • Oct, 2010 — Dec,2014

As Senior Researcher in MIMOS, my research works mainly on Internet of Things domain. Some of the research and development works I have completed are:

  • Development of Smart Parking System within MIMOS Campus, the development is using Cloud-Based IOT Platform/Middleware and Zigbee-based Sensor Networ
  • Development and Integration of Proxy SNMP to manage Smart Parking Sensors
  • Architecture Design of Open Architecture for Internet of Things (IoT).
  • Architecture of Virtual IP Communication for IOT environment, A Communication method to enable IP communication for non IP devices in Internet of Things Environment.
  • Virtual IP Stack Deployment - A Method to enable IP communication for non IP devices in Internet of Things Environment
  • IOT Gateway - Architecture design and implementation of Internet of Things (IOT) Gateway for Heterogeneous Objects (Based on Alix Board and Voyage Linux)
  • Development of Smart Street Light System within MIMOS Campus, the development is based on Cloud Based IOT Platform/Middleware and Zigbee- based Sensor Network

Tools used: Contiki Operating System, GNU C Compiler (GCC), Carriots IOT Middleware, Perl, Awk.

Key Knowledge:Architectural Design, Internet of Things, Web of Things, Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), RESTful Architecture, IOT Middleware. Contiki Operating System, Network Configuration


Researcher • April, 2008 — Oct, 2010

My research and development works during my service as Researcher was mainly on Wireless Sensor Network and IPv6 over Low Power Personal Area Network (6LoWPAN). The following are some of research and development project I have completed:

  • Research and implementation of a new SNMP compression mechanism to enable sensor network management using SNMP Protocol
  • Research and Proof of Concept of Inter-PAN network mobility by implementing Sensor-based Patient Health Monitoring System
  • Proof of Concept of Livestock Health Monitoring System and Location Tracking System
  • Web Services for 6LoWPAN Network - Development of a gateway that provide web services (based on SOAP web service) for sensor devices in 6LoWPAN Network
  • Integrating 6LoWPAN Stack in an Embedded Precision Agriculture Device based on Texas Instrument (TI CC430)
  • Architecting a Robust 6LoWPAN Gateway to provides communication between 6LoWPAN wireless sensor network and the IPv6 network. The gateway uses IEEE 802.15.4 interface to communicate with the sensor nodes and Wifi/Ethernet for communication with the Internet

Tools used: Linux OS, FreeRTOS, GNU C Compiler (GCC), Small Device C Compiler (SDCC), Sensinode Development Kit for Wireless Sensor. Perl, Awk.

Key Knowledge:TCP/IP Stack, Wireless Sensor Network, Embedded Programming, IPv6 Stack of Low Power Area Network (6LoWPAN), Web Services for sensor network

Faculty of Engineering, IIUM Malaysia

Research Assistant • February, 2004 — May, 204

Project Name: Design and Development and Prototyping of an Automated Visual Microchip Inspection System - (Funded by IRPA)

Tools used: Visual C++, LabView, Matlab.

Key Knowledge:Image Processing, Tool and Die, Microchip Fabrication

PT. Permata Karunia Lestari, Jakarta - Indonesia

Web Master and Programmer • October, 2001 — November, 2003

Project Name: Development of Tourism Portal

Tools used: PHP, MySQL, Apache Web Server, Red Hat Linux 7.2.

Key Knowledge:Web Application Development, Database Management System


Faculty of Engineering - International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)

Master in Information Engineering • 2004 — 2007

Thesis: Performance Study of Multicast Routing Protocol Over Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs).

Faculty of Engineering - Pasundan University, Bandung - Indonesia

Degree in Informatics Engineering • 1996 — 2000

Project: Development of Data Defining Utility for Relational Database Management System.